Services: Property, Wills, Estates

We are the first to admit that expert advice is not always required for personal arrangements and, up to a certain point in your life, you may be well served by the many self-directed and more generic options that exist in the market.

However, as you grow your asset base, build your legacy, and find yourself in more complex family arrangements, getting the right advice becomes increasingly important.

If you feel like you have reached a point where it might be worth investing in a more customised level assistance, please reach out - we’d love to help.

As you build more wealth, and find yourself in more complicated personal circumstances, it can be worth investing in a more specialised level of advice.

— Amanda Cefai, Principal

Popular Solutions

Wills -


A well drafted will can do a lot more than ensure your assets are distributed in accordance with your wishes - it can also play a key role in preserving your assets, minimising your tax liability, and protecting vulnerable beneficiaries.

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Independent Advice for Guarantors -


If you are providing a guarantee with respect to loan, the lender will insist you obtain independent legal advice to ensure you are aware of your obligations. AB can provide this quickly, and help you get your financing arrangement in place ASAP.

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Estate Administration Advice -


Estate administration has become increasingly complex for executors, partly due to an increased appetite for sophisticated asset protection structures and non-traditional assets. AB can guide you through the process.

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